Friday, July 11, 2008

The Maine

(never mind the last post, got lots of meds and now, despite feeling very drugged up, I'm okay)

I just found The Maine, through iTunes, which I'm a little ashamed of....

They're fitting int to my new emo-relationship genre (which I just made up). But no, in all seriousness, I've liked what I've heard so far.

A lot like All American Rejects (but don't let that put you off!) and I'm really liking their sound. thought I should just let everyone know to check them out (this isn't really a review).

They're not terribly original, but I do love the lyrics to Everything I Ask For. Umm so take a look, somewhat of interest as of the moment.

Night all!



Mid-migraine wave. No music for the moment. Sorry!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Apples In Stereo

They're a Denver based band, and formed in 1993 (or so Myspace says (sub parenthesis: I know, I need better sources)).

They're self-described "sunny rock" and indie. Which I have no complaints over. Thats pretty right on. Of what I've heard so far, they're sort of real life background music. Repetitive and what I would call "floaty." Its a lot like Explosions in the Sky, only less musical and with words.

I suggest 'Her Pretty Face,' which I've just noticed has the genre title - porn groove. Okay, I could see that. It could make it as a sexy song I suppose. I don't watch enough porn to recognize it though...

And I literally just heard 'Strawberry Fire,' in fact, its still playing. And I love it. Its very lyrically strong. And now as it plays, nice weird-sounding guitar at the end. Take a listen my friends.

And now I'm hearing 7 Stars! I should really hear all the tracks before blogging it... oh well, this is more exciting, right?! This is a clearer, more vocally-strong song. I'm liking Robert Schneider versatile voice. it sounds a bit different every time.

Over all I'm giving them a 7 out of 10.
Cute, funky sound, easy listen, like some very cool elevator music, something that would make the sound track of my memoir film.

Check them out, what do you think?

I need to find some non-indie music, I know. I think I'll be doing some Latin music next. I have a Shakira weakness (you know you love her too).


So Not Like Me.....

It pains me to say that I'm deeply intrigued by that song, Soulja Boy. I know! Forgive me. All that dance/hip hop/pop/rap crap I really can't stand, but that song is such an easy listen.

Just like Sandstorm by Benny Benassi (which I'm not ashamed to love!) the repetitive, deep-bass, rhythmic, beat is something I must give some credit to. While the lyrics are as annoyingly misogynistic as other music of this genre, I can over look "superman dat hoe" (find it on, I was offended too) for something I really can't help but dance to. And that silly dance they've made up for it is so much fun to watch!

I can put down my snobby indie-rock ideals for a moment to enjoy the little bit of entertainment I can derive from the hip hop/rap (I don't even know what to call it) genre.

Alright, give me ten minutes while i find a real artist/band to comment on. Forgive my infidelity as I delved into "the wrong side" of music.


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Red Hot

I'm listening to Scar Tissue by Red Hot Chili Peppers at the moment.

Some songs make me really want to know what happened to the writer/singer/artists who made it. What is this song about? What were they thinking and feeling while making it?

I'm not a musician but I write a lot, and I know that the emotions I have and the events around me are just as powerful and what I've written down, and add to the meaning of any work.

Was there a book written about RHCP? Or maybe just the singer. I thought I saw it somewhere, I'll check it out.


Another Thing!

Listening to this song by Wolf Parade "I'll Believe In Anything" and I'm falling slowly and hopelessly in love. I feel an abusive relationship forming between myself and these guys from Canada. Oh my.

My Gosh!

I got my first comment! Thanks Jamon.

Anyway, I took a look at Wolf Parade (band from Montreal I believe...) and indeed they were very Vampire Weekend-esque. I really enjoyed them.

A little less polished than VW, I found they were more like Modest Mouse. But definitely, everyone who bothers to read what I say, check them out.

Wolf Parade is also a bit like Sunny Day Real Estate. Whose sort of the original 'emo.' But what emo was when they made it is worlds from what it is today. So check them out too.

Alright, also if you want to read more of me or want to talk a bit or stalk me or whatever, here's my main blog where i ramble and bore you with details of my life and deep dark corners of my mind. Zoe is an island indeed. Go ahead and ignore all the posts about my ex boyfriend and what not. Everything besides that i find relevant in some way to others.

Thanks for the comments and views everyone.
